iOS app broken in 9.1?

Having just got 2 MetaWear devices and had to update them i had to use the android app, as the iOS app was stuck in a prompt telling me to update the firmware before I could use it (when OK was pressed, the prombt would just reappear). I obv can't reproduce it as my units are up to date now


  • Can you please confirm what version of the app you are running?  The prompt to update firmware was removed around April 2015, everything should be working on the latest version (2.2) on the App Store.
  • I just got the metawear R and have the same problem. When I try to connect to the device a message appears :"Update Required, Update device to firmware 1.0.0" when you press OK it just appears again..... and continues on. 
    I am using iOS9.2
    App version: 2.2
  • We have this fixed in the app source, The updates will take a week or more to appear on the App Store however.

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