Python support please...
Hi guys,
got my MWCs and was realy excited at first. Android App worked like a charm and started playing around with the sample App.
Although fun, it's not what I have planned for the boards. I tried to connect it to my linux machine and tried to figure out how to read data.
After hours of trial and error I'm now frustrated that there does not seem to be an official way to connect the MWC to a linux machine.
Providing a Python API, even if it's just allows to stream sensor data would really be something.
Do you plan to provide a Python package or are the boards only support iOS, Andoid and C++?
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are you planning on releasing an official python package that makes the whole dev process easier? => scanning/connecting/config/data read...
you would make the MWC platform much more attractive if people had an easier start with python...
The C++ library handles all the MetaWear related functionality, the user just needs to fill in the BTLE portions for his development platform.
I'm actually trying to move away from Python and want to implement what I'm doing using the C++ API.