BLE Link Layer State Machine
Hi everyone,

So the master / slave role is related to the connection state and generally it is possible for a slave device to have the scanning state in its link layer state machine.
While digging into the BLE standard white papers, I found the state machine for the link layer. As you may see below, there are generally five states for the connection procedure.

"When entered from the Initiating State to the connection state, the Connection State shall be in the
Master Role. When entered from the Advertising State to the connection state, the Connection State
shall be in the Slave Role."
Master Role. When entered from the Advertising State to the connection state, the Connection State
shall be in the Slave Role."
So it all boils down to this question: Is it possible for a Metawear device (which can be only a slave) to scan for other slave devices and read the RSSI values from the advertising packets? Of course the slave device (here the Metawear) does not need to (and cannot) connect to those slave devices (for example beacons), as It only needs to read the RSSI.
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