I was powering the (10 led) strand separately. I used the neopixel IOS app (MetaWear CESSHOW) in the latest Obj-C and isolated the code to just light up one led. To isolate errors, I connected the same strand to the same power and an arduino running fast led, and it ran perfectly.
I put a breakpoint in Obj-C to make sure the code was executing.
I used pin 0 on the metaWear and connected the Metawear Ground to the ground of the external power source used for the strand. I verified that it was really pin 0 by using the metawear app to switch the pin 0.
I ran the latest version of the MetaWear app (deployed from xCode) and upgraded the MW firmware (yesterday) but it did not work. I did not change anything in the app. To find the issue I:
- made sure the neopixel was getting 5v.
- connected the MW to 3 v power supply to make sure low battery was not an issue.
- tried all combinations of settings in the app (Fast/slow etc).
- restored the MW to factory settings.
All other functions on the app seems to work fine (blinking leds etc).