python using pymetawear to stream accelerometer data
Hi All,
I am running Ubuntu 16.04 on Mac Mini and try to use python script to stream accelerometer data to desktop.
I found that the streaming data would stop unexpectly after a few thousand data points.
How can I solve it? Thanks a lot.
My testing python code:
from pymetawear.client import MetaWearClient
c = MetaWearClient(METAWEAR_ID)
# Set data rate to 200 Hz and measureing range to +/- 8g
c.accelerometer.set_settings(data_rate=DATA_RATE, data_range=DATA_RANGE)
def testing_fun(acc_data):
print("Original Epoch time: [{0}] - X: {1}, Y: {2}, Z: {3}".format(acc_data[0], *acc_data[1]))
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