Win10 crashes, no reset method

we use a MetaWear C to analyse the movement of objects.
The sensor send Acc/Gyro and GPIO status via BLE streaming at 100MHz to a Win10 laptop.
The Win10-App is created based on your tutorial.
Normally that's working quite good.
But sometimes we get unexpected behavior:
1) the Win10 App window disappears
2) after a stop streaming, streaming isn't starting again, but "get power status" is still possible
3) GPIO is interrupt isn't recognized, depending on sampling rate (100Hz never, 50 Hz sometimes, 25Hz always)
4) We also tried the logging. Then the crash and no-reaction events come even more frequently.

After 1) we need to power cycle the MetaWear, sometime to restart the Win10-PC.
--> Why is there no soft RESET method within Win10 library as we see it within IOS App? How to avoid the power cycles?

In debug mode of Visual Studio we saw that the exceptions (leading to crash) occur between MetaWear C# layer and MetaWear C## library.
--> Are the Win10 apps known as unstable, compared to Android / IOS? Would it help to change the OS ?

Thanks for help.


  • What are the firmware and hardware revisions for your board?

    Issue a reset command with: mbl_mw_debug_reset

    How long does your app run before it crashes with the app window disappearing?  This see,s like a case of delegates not being stored by the parent class.

    The Android and iOS libraries are more polished than the C++ library and arent built on top of native code so you'd have a smoother experience in those platforms.
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