max memory logged data using Acel + gyros
I would like the MetaMOTIONC or R. But I would like to know the max data I could get using 12.5hz acel and gyroscope?.
If it has 8mb flash memory.
12.5hz would be 750x min and 45000 values in 1hour. The max is 500k?.
Is it possible get memory flash higher than 8mb?.
I would like to logging 24h continuous acel and gyros at 12.5hz. How I can calculate the max time i could log data?.
I would like the MetaMOTIONC or R. But I would like to know the max data I could get using 12.5hz acel and gyroscope?.
If it has 8mb flash memory.
12.5hz would be 750x min and 45000 values in 1hour. The max is 500k?.
Is it possible get memory flash higher than 8mb?.
I would like to logging 24h continuous acel and gyros at 12.5hz. How I can calculate the max time i could log data?.
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