mbientlab MetaWear sensor and Unity : Any tutorials or working sample assets?
Has anyone developed a working sample of a Unity asset or a tutorial for making the MetaWear sensors work with Unity, yet?
I have successfully created Unity apps for Android that connect to an Adafruit BLE sensor device, but I was wondering if there are existing samples of code or otherwise for Unity + MetaWear, before I try to reinvent the wheel.
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Some users have tried creating unity projects with the C++ SDK but that was a while ago and I don't know if they were successful or not.
MbientLab has not developed any Unity assets or tutorials.
Thanks for that information. I couldn't find any clear information about Unity when I searched the forums. I think many people would be interested in a guide to use these sensors with Unity. I'm glad to share what I've learned working with BLE and Unity, if you want to try to make something for your sensors and Unity.
I am also interested in Unity. Please could you share your findings here about BLE and Unity?
@Eric do you have any idea on how should one proceed in order to develop a plugin for Unity (and Android)? I thought that maybe using a BLE asset in Unity to get the connection and link it with the C++ SDK compiled for Android. Pretty much in the same sense that JavaScript SDK has only the Noble wrapper that communicates with the C++ bindings.
The other option is wrapping the Android SDK into a Unity plugin, but I realised that the Android SDK uses intents/activities for managing connections, and I don't know how to handle it in Unity, as pretty much is developed using C#.