Streaming graph no longer showing up.
I am using the prebuilt MetaHub and 2 Metation C sensors.
I was able to stream the data and the graph was visible. But the graph is no longer showing, there has been no change in the Json code, I still have it on stream.
It still streams and saves the data on a CSV file after. The window for the graph is there but they are blank.
Can anyone help with this?
Can you send screenshots?
Also if you stop and re-start, does it start graphing again?
We recently updated to version 1.3.0, this is when the issue arose.
The CPU usage when streaming two sensors is over 95%
What else are you running at the same time? You didn't answer my previous question either.
There is no version 1.3.0, did you mean 1.2.0?
Also, did you rebuild the project after updating?
We saw there was an update available so we updated it, this is when the issue started happening.
And we have not rebuilt the project, it is only a short JSON script, ran using node.js
Answer this question.
Where did you see an update as available? How did you update?
Through the sudo raspi config.
@Eric I think I am starting to get this, he updated his raspberryPi and now the Metabase app doesn't work anymore. There is probably a package he updated and now he needs to re-compile / re-build the project.
@BIAS2018 Can you please rebuild (make) the MetaBase App