Streaming graph no longer showing up.

I am using the prebuilt MetaHub and 2 Metation C sensors.
I was able to stream the data and the graph was visible. But the graph is no longer showing, there has been no change in the Json code, I still have it on stream.

It still streams and saves the data on a CSV file after. The window for the graph is there but they are blank.

Can anyone help with this?



  • edited May 2019

    Can you send screenshots?
    Also if you stop and re-start, does it start graphing again?

  • We recently updated to version 1.3.0, this is when the issue arose.

    The CPU usage when streaming two sensors is over 95%

  • What else are you running at the same time? You didn't answer my previous question either.

  • There is no version 1.3.0, did you mean 1.2.0?

    Also, did you rebuild the project after updating?

  • We saw there was an update available so we updated it, this is when the issue started happening.

    And we have not rebuilt the project, it is only a short JSON script, ran using node.js

  • @Eric said:
    There is no version 1.3.0, did you mean 1.2.0?

    Answer this question.

    @BIAS2018 said:
    We saw there was an update available so we updated it, this is when the issue started happening.

    Where did you see an update as available? How did you update?

  • Through the sudo raspi config.

  • @Eric I think I am starting to get this, he updated his raspberryPi and now the Metabase app doesn't work anymore. There is probably a package he updated and now he needs to re-compile / re-build the project.

    @BIAS2018 Can you please rebuild (make) the MetaBase App

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