Creating my own hub using Raspberry Pi 4
I downloaded iso images for the raspbian with meta base app already installed. I wanted to know whether your iso image could be installed on Raspberry Pi 4?
I already have a gateway hub but RPi 4 would be more powerful than RPi 3 being shipped as part of the gateway hub.
It should work just fine in theory. Try it out and let us know; I haven't been able to get my hands on a pi4 to try it out yet.
Dear Laura,
I just got my hands on a pi 4. I installed the Raspbian image provided by MbientLab (i.e. Raspbian Stretch) and upgraded the OS to Raspbian Buster myself. I can confirm that the upgraded OS along with MbientLab software are working fine on Raspberry Pi 4.
I think an easier solution might also be installing Raspbian Buster image directly from Raspberry Pi Foundation and then install MbientLab software from MbientLab's Github page. I have not tested this second solution though; and I will update when I get to test it out.
Thank you for the update!