Metamotion R & ECG signal treatment

We are currently trying to acquire heart rate beats with our Metamotion R electronic board and ECG electrodes. For this, we acquire the ECG signal from the analog inputs (via an ecg module kit). We would like to know if it was possible to treat this ECG signal to extract only the beats per minute within the MetaMotion R ? In the board ? Would it have the electronic equipment needed to do this?

We could thus return only those HR beats on the phone, by bluetooth, which would be less expensive than the whole ECG signal.

Thank your for your response,


  • @Camille assuming the ECG kit has sufficient amplification and buffering you should be able to read the signal through the analog GPIO APIs. It is possible to do some on board processing using the data processing API, such as filtering or peak detection. I would start by capturing a raw ECG waveform using the GPIO system for analysis and evaluation of the ECG kit.


  • @Matt
    thank you for your message and your advice, we will proceed as well.


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