Accelerometer vs. Gravity and LinearAcceleration

edited December 2019 in General


What is the difference between the accelerometer and the gravity/linearAcceleration data?

Should it not be the same thing but for different axes?

The same question goes for gyroscope data and Euler angles: the Euler angles are just the measure of the integral gyroscope change in time?

Am I missing something here?



  • @omri said:

    What is the difference between the accelerometer and the gravity/linearAcceleration data?

    Should it not be the same thing but for different axes?

    Accelerometer data is composed of both gravity and linear acceleration.

    The same question goes for gyroscope data and Euler angles: the Euler angles are just the measure of the integral gyroscope change in time?

    Am I missing something here?

    Yes but gyroscopes are noisy. Using only gyroscope data to approximate orientation will result in noticeable errors.

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