Android API v2.0.0 Beta 03 Release
Release beta.02 has a bug in the MetaWear service that prevents data routes from being added. Use release 2.0.0-beta.03 instead for the bug fix.
The second v2.0.0 beta release adds support for the remaining MetaWear modules and enhances the functionality of the data routes. This release also introduces a breaking change to the DataSignal and Accelerometer classes.
- Added support for the remaining modules: IBeacon, NeoPixel, Haptic, I2C, Maco, and Settings
- Added new features for data processors
- Added delta, sample, and threshold data processors
Full release notes and jar version of the library are on the GitHub releases page:
The macro module does not work with the route builder. I will be ironing out the macro implementation to allow you to program a data processing route into the flash memory