pod update Starter Project

I am receiving the following message when attempting to run pod update:

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "MetaWear/Core":
In Podfile:
MetaWear/Core (from ../)

Specs satisfying the MetaWear/Core (from ../) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

I tried deleting the podfile.lock and re-running the update, but that didn't work. Also tried setting the minimum deployment target at different levels but there was no difference.

I attempted to build the project anyway to see what would happen but it failed. Is there something I can manually type into the PodFile to get it working? Thanks


  • edited May 2021

    Check out the comments in the Podfile:

      # Pods for all targets
      ## LOCAL
      pod 'MetaWear', :subspecs => ['Core', 'AsyncUtils', 'UI'], :path => '../'
      ## COCOAPODS
      #pod 'MetaWear', :subspecs => ['Core', 'AsyncUtils', 'UI']

    Switch to this:

      # Pods for all targets
      ## LOCAL
      #pod 'MetaWear', :subspecs => ['Core', 'AsyncUtils', 'UI'], :path => '../'
      ## COCOAPODS
      pod 'MetaWear', :subspecs => ['Core', 'AsyncUtils', 'UI']

    This is ok too:

      # Pods for all targets
      ## LOCAL
      #pod 'MetaWear', :subspecs => ['Core', 'AsyncUtils', 'UI'], :path => '../'
      ## COCOAPODS
      pod 'MetaWear'

    Don't forget to run pod update metawear or pod update after pod install.

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