Android app for two devices

Hi everyone,
my name is Michele and I need to build an app in order to collect accelerometer and gyroscope data from two different sensors with fixed macAddresses. In order to keep things simple I would like to avoid a bluetooth scan and use the macAddressess instead, so I thought of modifying the freefall app of the tutorials in the following way:

private void retrieveBoard(String wrist, String ankle) {
    final BluetoothManager btManager =
            (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
    final BluetoothDevice remoteDeviceWrist =
    final BluetoothDevice remoteDeviceAnkle =

    // Create a MetaWear board object for the Bluetooth Device
    boardWrist = serviceBinder.getMetaWearBoard(remoteDeviceWrist);
    boardAnkle = serviceBinder.getMetaWearBoard(remoteDeviceAnkle);

    boardWrist.connectAsync().onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Route>>() {
        public Task<Route> then(Task<Void> task) throws Exception {
            Log.i("IntAt","Connected to " + wrist);

            loggingWrist = boardWrist.getModule(Logging.class);
            accelerometerWrist = boardWrist.getModule(Accelerometer.class);
                    .odr(100f)       // Set sampling frequency to 100Hz, or closest valid ODR

            return accelerometerWrist.acceleration().addRouteAsync(new RouteBuilder() {
                public void configure(RouteComponent source) {
                    source.log(new Subscriber() {
                        public void apply(Data data, Object... env) {
                            Log.i("IntAt", data.value(Acceleration.class).toString());
    }).continueWith(new Continuation<Route, Void>() {
        public Void then(Task<Route> task) throws Exception {
                Log.w("IntAt","Failed to configure wrist!", task.getError());
            } else{
                Log.i("IntAt","Wrist configured");

            return null;

    boardAnkle.connectAsync().onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Route>>() {
        public Task<Route> then(Task<Void> task) throws Exception {
            Log.i("IntAt","Connected to " + ankle);

            loggingAnkle = boardAnkle.getModule(Logging.class);
            accelerometerAnkle = boardAnkle.getModule(Accelerometer.class);
                    .odr(100f)       // Set sampling frequency to 100Hz, or closest valid ODR

            return accelerometerAnkle.acceleration().addRouteAsync(new RouteBuilder() {
                public void configure(RouteComponent source) {
                    source.log(new Subscriber() {
                        public void apply(Data data, Object... env) {
                            Log.i("IntAt", data.value(Acceleration.class).toString());
    }).continueWith(new Continuation<Route, Void>() {
        public Void then(Task<Route> task) throws Exception {
                Log.w("IntAt","Failed to configure ankle!", task.getError());
            } else{
                Log.i("IntAt","Ankle configured");

            return null;

Initially things were working out, but now when I try to use the app I get the error:

Did not receive log id within 1000ms

Can someone help me understand how to solve this issue? Moreover I don't know how to retrieve the data of accelerometere and gyroscope simultaneously (the tutorial shows only the accelerometer).
Any help is highly appreciated.

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