Some Problems with MMS download and with 'packed mode'
I am using MMS with Python codes, but I have many problems:
the sensors have bluetooth connection problems. In fact, some sensors are able to stream data up to about 1 m from the dongle, while others lose the connection already if they are moved away a few cm. Can you tell me if it is a problem of the specific sensors or if I can do something to improve the connection ?
When I use the sensors in streaming mode I would like to send the data in packets and I saw that there is a function (packed) to send multiple samples in one bluetooth packet. However, if I use the code that is among the examples (the one of the gyroscopes) it gives me as error "segmentation fault". Can you tell me how I can solve ? also I would like to know if the packed mode is usable also in logging mode (I tried but I failed).
When I use the sensors in logging mode I usually do quite long tests (more than 1h). Downloading the data, the time is almost double the time of the test (I sample accelerometers and gyroscopes at 100 Hz). I would like to know if there is a way to download them faster.
To do this I tried to connect the sensor via usb (I saw that there is the new function for MMS with python scripts). However every time I connect the sensor it takes more than a minute to connect and when disconnected it is no longer detected by bluetooth (I was able to connect only after doing 2 resets manually and this method does not always work). Also, even with USB the data download time is similar to bluetooth. can you tell me if I'm doing something wrong ?
Anyone who can help me?
Do you need more information?
from mbientlab.metawear import MetaWear, libmetawear, parse_value, create_voidp, create_voidp_int
from mbientlab.warble import *
from mbientlab.metawear.cbindings import *
from ctypes import c_void_p, cast, POINTER
from time import sleep
from threading import Event
import six
import platform
import sys
from sys import argv
import csv
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime;
def retry_connection(d):
print("----------------------------------Trying CONNECTION---------------------------------------------------")
return retry_connection(d)
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
range = xrange
class State:
def init(self, device):
self.device = device
self.samples = 0
self.callback = FnVoid_VoidP_DataP(self.data_handler)
self.analog_callback = FnVoid_VoidP_DataP(self.analog_data_handler)
self.an_signal = signal = libmetawear.mbl_mw_multi_chnl_temp_get_temperature_data_signal(self.device.board, MetaWearRProChannel.ON_BOARD_THERMISTOR)
self.processor = None
# Acc Gyr Callback
def data_handler(self, ctx, data):
values = parse_value(data, n_elem = 2)
with open('./Data/dataacc_'+self.device.address+'.csv', 'a+', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=';')
writer.writerow([ datetime.timestamp(, values])
# with open('./Data/datagyr_'+self.device.address+'.csv', 'a+', newline='') as file:
# writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=';')
# writer.writerow([ datetime.timestamp(, values[1].x, values[1].y, values[1].z])
self.samples+= 1
# Asnalog1 Callback
def analog_data_handler(self, ctx, data):
with open('./Data/analog_'+self.device.address+'.csv', 'a+', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=';')
writer.writerow([datetime.timestamp(, values])
# ricerca dispositivi nelle vicinanze
devices = None
array = sys.argv
del array[0]
states = []
# connect
for a in array:
device = MetaWear(a)
print("Connecting to " + device.address)
print("CONNECTION STATE " + str(device.is_connected))
# configure
for s in states:
# print("Configuring %s" % (s.device.address))
# start
for s in states:
print("Streaming data")
stop = -1
while stop == -1:
msg = "Press s to stop data recording: "
selection = raw_input(msg) if platform.python_version_tuple()[0] == '2' else input(msg)
if selection == "s":
stop = 0
print("-----STOP STREAMING-----")
for s in states:
if s.device.is_connected:
print("connected to " + device.address)
while(not s.device.is_connected):
# reset
print("Resetting devices")
events = []
for s in states:
e = Event()
s.device.on_disconnect = lambda s: e.set()
for e in events:
# recap
print("Total Samples Received")
for s in states:
print("%s -> %d" % (s.device.address, s.samples))
this is my code. Unfortunately i can't dowload and stream data in packed mode to have a faster download.
Make sure that you install the latest version of MetaWear Python on PyPi to be sure your devices are connecting over USB. The example scripts have also been updated to indicate what type of connection has been established and you may want to add something similar to your script. Here is an example:
The packed mode is meant only for streaming, and will have a detrimental effect if logged. For an application that needs to switch between modes, you can log the unpacked version and stream the packed version. It is still advisable not to stream while downloading, as it may result in packet loss, but if this is a hard requirement you can try to test it in your setup. If the total throughput is not too high, it may work okay for you, especially if operating with USB downloads.
Hi, the same thing happens to me with packed mode. What I mean is that when I use the code provided in the examples of the gyro streaming with packed mode, it gives me: "segmentation fault" that does not allow me to use the MMS sensor gyro with this mode.
I checked all updates. However, this error persists when I acquire the gyro. Whereas everything seems to work fine when I acquire the accelerometer.
Anyone can help us??