How to get conditioned Euler angles, angular velocity, and linear acceleration from MetaBase output?

Hi. I am trying to use MMS to evaluate bowling throws. For that I need Euler angles and angular velocity to describe arm movement, and linear acceleration to detect steps.

I am getting sensor data from the MetaBase app. but it will not record all three sets of values. Euler angles preclude everything else.

I know it should be possible to get avelo and accel from the angles, but the math is over my head. I've not had much luck finding python libraries to do the job. Can anyone point me in the right direction or share code?


  • edited June 2023

    I got this figured out with considerable help from ChatGPT. Here's the code for anyone trying to do the same thing. For reasons I'm not sure about, for my test data this produces angles in the range -8564 to 10,306. I'm only using the result in plots so it doesn't really matter to me. If you wanted it in the range -360 to 360 you'd need to scale the angles.

    import csv
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.signal import butter,filtfilt
    def lowpass(data, cutoff, fs, order):
        normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
        # Get the filter coefficients 
        b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False)
        y = filtfilt(b, a, data)
        return y
    # Read the files and populate the acceleration and angular_velocity arrays
    avelo = []
    filename = "accel-gyro_MetaWear_2023-06-09T13.59.19.303_EABF46360571_Gyroscope_100.000Hz_1.7.3.csv"
    with open(filename) as csvfile:
        csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        next(csvreader) # skip header
        for row in csvreader:
    avelo = np.array(avelo,dtype=float)
    accel = []
    filename = "accel-gyro_MetaWear_2023-06-09T13.59.19.303_EABF46360571_Accelerometer_100.000Hz_1.7.3.csv"
    with open(filename) as csvfile:
        csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        next(csvreader) # skip header
        for row in csvreader:
    accel = np.array(accel,dtype=float)
    # ensure arrays are the same length and create index for plots
    arows,foo = avelo.shape
    brows,foo = accel.shape
    if arows > brows: # then remove rows from avelo
        avelo = avelo[0:brows]
        rows = brows
    elif brows > arows: # then remove rows from accel
        accel = accel[0:arows]
        rows = arows
        rows = arows
    idx = np.arange(0, rows, dtype=int) # index for plots
    # Integrate angular velocity to get Euler angles
    euler_angles = cumtrapz(avelo, axis=0, initial=0.0)
    # combine the dataframes into one
    dfs = {
        'accel': pd.DataFrame(accel, columns=list('xyz')),
        'angle': pd.DataFrame(euler_angles, columns=list('xyz')),
        'avelo': pd.DataFrame(avelo, columns=list('xyz'))
    df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)
    # configure and apply lowpass filter to remove noise
    fs = 100        # sample rate, Hz
    cutoff = 3      # desired cutoff frequency of the filter
    order = 4       # desired order of the filter
    nyq = 0.5 * fs  # Nyquist Frequency
    parameters = ["accel","angle","avelo"]
    for p in parameters:
        for var in ('x','y','z'):
            df[p,var] =  lowpass(df[p,var], cutoff, fs, order)
    # Plot the three series
    ax1 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
    ax1.plot(idx, df['angle']['x'], label='x')
    ax1.plot(idx, df['angle']['y'], label='y')
    ax1.plot(idx, df['angle']['z'], label='z')
    ax2 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
    ax2.plot(idx, df['avelo']['x'], label='x')
    ax2.plot(idx, df['avelo']['y'], label='y')
    ax2.plot(idx, df['avelo']['z'], label='z')
    ax3 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
    ax3.plot(idx, df['accel']['x'], label='x')
    ax3.plot(idx, df['accel']['y'], label='y')
    ax3.plot(idx, df['accel']['z'], label='z')
    # plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=10)
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