Beaconing for room location metasensor
Looking to see if any has a project or use case using a metasensor in beacon mode, with metahubs to alert user regarding location of metasensor. Goal is for user to wear metasensor and receive alerts when passing through a doorway w/ metahub in proximity.
One group did this in an elderly home where each elderly person wore a metasensor bracelet. It would beacon all the time.
Then, various gateway hubs in the home would pick up the bluetooth signals and relay this via wifi/lan to a server.
The server would map out the location of each person (in real time - this was hundreds of people in large nursing homes).
Of course, you have to intelligently position the hubs and create a map of the home on the backend (combined with some intelligence that does the mapping). You also have to attach the mac address of a sensor to a person for the mapping to work. It's easy but lots of tedious work.
Thank you Laura. Sounds straight forward yet tedious for sure. Did this group publish anything?
I'll do some research... Do you happen to know of any references where I could learn more about mapping on the backend? I know out of your lane, so no expectation that you'd know that...
This group did not publish anything public unfortunately. You can google metasensors and beacons and see if anything comes up.