flashLED is not blinking sometimes.
Currently we are using the https://github.com/mbientlab/MetaWear-SDK-iOS-macOS-tvOS Swift SDK and facing issues with Blinking LED sometimes not blinking is there any way to flashLED command delivery status?
used below function.
` public func flashLED(color: MBLColor, intensity: CGFloat, _repeat: UInt8 = 0xFF, onTime: UInt16 = 200, period: UInt16 = 800) {
assert(intensity >= 0.0 && intensity <= 1.0, "intensity valid range is [0, 1.0]")
guard mbl_mw_metawearboard_lookup_module(board, MBL_MW_MODULE_LED) != MODULE_TYPE_NA else {
let scaledIntensity = intensity * 31.0
let rtime = onTime / 2
let ftime = onTime / 2
let offset: UInt16 = 0
var red: CGFloat = 0
var blue: CGFloat = 0
var green: CGFloat = 0
color.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: nil)
let scaledRed = UInt8(round(red * scaledIntensity))
let scaledBlue = UInt8(round(blue * scaledIntensity))
let scaledGreen = UInt8(round(green * scaledIntensity))
var pattern = MblMwLedPattern(high_intensity: 31,
low_intensity: 0,
rise_time_ms: rtime,
high_time_ms: onTime,
fall_time_ms: ftime,
pulse_duration_ms: period,
delay_time_ms: offset,
repeat_count: _repeat)
if (scaledRed > 0) {
pattern.high_intensity = scaledRed
mbl_mw_led_write_pattern(board, &pattern, MBL_MW_LED_COLOR_RED)
if (scaledGreen > 0) {
pattern.high_intensity = scaledGreen
mbl_mw_led_write_pattern(board, &pattern, MBL_MW_LED_COLOR_GREEN)
if (scaledBlue > 0) {
pattern.high_intensity = scaledBlue
mbl_mw_led_write_pattern(board, &pattern, MBL_MW_LED_COLOR_BLUE)
I've noticed sometimes I need to wait/pause a second before issuing the mbl_mw_led_play() command.
Can you add that to your code and see if it makes a difference?