Doubles in Metatracker timestamp at 800Hz

When logging acc data with given example, just modified to set accelerometer rate to 800, we get doubles in timestamps like in the following lines :
{epoch: 1631631758756, value: {x : -0.742, y : -0.165, z : 0.281}} {epoch: 1631631758757, value: {x : -0.728, y : -0.151, z : 0.296}} {epoch: 1631631758757, value: {x : -0.737, y : -0.147, z : 0.264}} ...
How can we correct the data to get correct timestamps ?


  • @Christian,
    Thanks for noticing this. I will look into this asap, it might be related to one of the other bugs that has been filed regarding timestamps.

  • Do you get this consistently by the way? Is this replicable 100% of the time?

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