Downloading data is failing sometimes from sensor to mobile
Hi Laura,
Downloading data is failing sometimes from sensor to mobile this issue is happening with frequency 3 out of 10 approx.
what is the way to handle either re-download the same data or how to know the data connection breakage MblMwLogDownloadHandler it's not getting know If not getting the call back for received_progress_update? what is an alternative way to handle it
var handlers = MblMwLogDownloadHandler()
handlers.context = bridgeRetained(obj: self)
handlers.received_progress_update = { (context, remainingEntries, totalEntries) in
let _self: DeviceObject = bridge(ptr: context!)
let progress = Double(totalEntries - remainingEntries) / Double(totalEntries)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let macAddress = _self.device?.mac!
// print("progress for (String(describing: macAddress)) is (progress)")
_self.delegate?.updateProgress(progress: Float(progress))
if progress == 1.0 {
I wrote an example for this: