What would be the easiest way to send Metaware accelerometer data to a cloud?


This blog post http://projects.mbientlab.com/data-processing-with-metawear is very close to what we are trying to accomplish in our project.

Is there a way to continuously send accelerometer data to a cloud instead of manually saving and emailing.
I would like to use IBM quickstart IOT service to collect RMS value over time https://quickstart.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com/#/ 

We have bought Metaware  and a cheap Android phone and was able to install activity tracker  from Android Studio as described here:

But I am stuck on how to customize the code to push the data to the cloud. I am not a java programmer and it is all new to me.

IBM has a recipe on how to do this https://developer.ibm.com/recipes/tutorials/mobile-devices/ but I wasn't able to merge the code yet.

Can you point me to the right direction please?

Thank you,


  • You'll need to search to the IoT Starter code to find out where the app collects accelerometer and gyro data and replace that with the MetaWear gyro and accelerometer functions.  This brings me to where you are in your project.  Do you already have working MetaWear code and simply need to integrate with the IBM cloud, or, are you completely lost at starting a MetaWear app?
  • Hi Eric,

    I am trying to repurpose your fitness tracking application. I thought I would be able to extract data from MetaWareController class, calculate RMS and then instead of writing to SQLiteDatabase  upload to  IBM cloud where I can utilize Node-Red and DashDb.
    Your "Activity Tracker" app worked "out-of-the-box" for me and I was hoping that I only need to add few lines of code from IBM Git repository to create a JSON message and push it to the cloud.

    Thank you,

  • Unfortunately I am not familiar with IBM's cloud platform.  Taking a quick scan at their IoT Android starter project, it would appear that the classes in the iot package are what you need to push data to their cloud.  I would take a look at where these classes are referenced and how they are used.

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