Accelerometer data

I started to save some Accelerometer data from my CPro today. But if I look into the .csv file from the MetaWear App I see a table of 6 columns, the first one is the time (it`s 0 for the first 50 rows?) then there are the acceleration in x,y,z direction and 4 other columns. What is the information in these 4 columns and the plot of x,y-acceleration looks strange. The x-acceleration is a constant sawtooth and the y-acceleration value is only between 0 and -3 is that right?
Is it correct that the data is alread filtered on the Hardware and no additional filter is needed?
greetings and thanks for your help
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Seconds Since Epoc,X-axis (g's),Y-axis (g's),Z-axis (g's)
There should only be 4 columns, so maybe double check you are using only comma as a separator.