How to connect Bluetooth LE in win32 console application

Hi I am not an app person. My project only needs to communicate Metawear R with windows PC to manipulate the Haptic function. 

I am using windows 8.1 and visual studio 2013 professional. 

Now I am totally stuck and don't know how to get Bluetooth LE communication work. 

Can anyone help? Any comments and advice is appreciated.  


  • First off, I highly recommend developing on Windows 10 as all of our Windows sample code is built on the Universal Windows Platform.

    For Windows 8.1, you can refer to the C# Wrapper project for sample code demonstrating how to communicate with the MetaWear on a Windows 8.1 device.  Keep in mind that the project is out of date with respects the current C++ API and is built in VS2015.  However, the code should work in VS2013 and uses the Windows 8.1 Bluetooth LE API.

    In addition to our sample code, you can read up on how to use the Bluetooth LE API in these blog posts:
  • Hi Eric, 

    Thanks a lot for the recommendations. 

    I tried the C# Wrapper project in Windows 8.1 with visual studio 2015 community. The code can be built and deployed though I did not load the code into a windows phone. 

    Will the code work in Windows laptop instead of Windows phone?  How should I "move" all code to  Universal Windows Platform so that it works for both Windows laptop and  Windows phone?  
  • You need to be on Windows 10 to use UWP.  If you are migrating your development environment to Windows 10, you can follow our UWP tutorial to get started.
  • I found an example as desktop programming C++ for Bluetooth Low Energy devices without C# wrapper involved. And this is exactly what I am looking for. 

    Thanks Eric for sharing. 

    I am going to post my code upon completion and hope to help those who only aim for desktop programming. 

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