Adding a Gyroscope


I would like to add a gyroscope to the board, but I don't really know where to start. Ultimately, I want to use it along with the accelerometer to track position over short distances. Is it as simple as just attaching it to the GPIOs? Are there any tutorials available?



  • jhill,

    We will have a gyro version of our board soon.
  • That's good to hear! When you say soon, is that like in the next few weeks or next few months?
  • We are aiming for early next year (maybe Feb)
  • Laura,
    Do you have any spec about new board?
    We have already bought few boards. We like to add gyro and magneto for 9-axis motion.
    Can i achieve it now adding those sensors? Do you sell those sensors?

  • Hey Sanjeev,

    We are still working on this now. I unfortunately don't have any specs for the new board at the moment but we will make a few public announcements when the time comes.

    If you have the budget then I would recommend looking into our customizations services but otherwise we are hoping to have some new stuff in 2015.

    Right now with the current MetaWear we will have I2C supported at the firmware/API level (soon) but only for basic sensors; it will not support the addition of a gyro or magnetometer.

  • thumbs up for 9-axis motion sensor. Please...
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