how to get data from metamotionR using C# by using vs2017
Hi ! I am new to C# and need some example code to get sensor data from metamotionR using C# . I download the MetaWear-Tutorial-CSharp file but cannot run sucessfully in my vs2017.
I download the MetaWear-Tutorial-CSharp-master file and click the "metawear tutotials.sln" to open the vs.
But I cannot debug the solution.
Please give me some details on how to use the tutorial code or provide some example code
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Post the errors logged in VS2017.
The C# tutorial project already provides example code for retrieving sensor data. If you want written tutorials, check out the website.
First, I open the .sln file and the there are three universal windows projects(freefall detector, realtimegraph and starterapp) and BtleDeviceScanner. The picuture below shows the solution.

Then I use debug button to start debug my starterapp project

so I deploy the starterapp project and get these wrong code:
It seems that missing an assembly reference "metawear" in my scannerpage.xaml.cs file, so I use nuget to add metawear.csharp to all my three projects.
after that I do the same for these projects installing MetaWear.CSharp.Win10
then I deploy the starterapp project and start to debug

I opened the bluetooth before but I still cannot find any device in the starterapp.
Please give some suggestions. THANKS
I added two button "accStart" and "accStop" BUT get the following:

You said in the other thread that MetaBase was not working on your Win10 system. Run the tutorial apps on one of the systems that can use the MetaBase app,
The IDE will give you suggested fixes for red underlined code. Put the mouse cursor over the underlined code and follow the suggestions.