Hi, I am trying to read the metawear GPIO analog read with the duration of 0.4milliseconds. However, I cannot read the data faster than 100milliseconds. Can you please tell me how can I read the analog read faster?
Thanks Laura for you comment. But I am little confuse now, what do you mean by BLE limitation of 200hz? does that mean it can only transfer 200bps? However, the metawear datasheet mentions that it has Low energy bluetooth 4.0 which can transfer upto 100kbps.
So for my project, are you purposing that I should buy another microcontroller? Since I need to read the GPIO pin at 0.4ms
But I am little confuse now, what do you mean by BLE limitation of 200hz? does that mean it can only transfer 200bps?
However, the metawear datasheet mentions that it has Low energy bluetooth 4.0 which can transfer upto 100kbps.
So for my project, are you purposing that I should buy another microcontroller? Since I need to read the GPIO pin at 0.4ms