Local firmware update
I was unable to update my newly received C-Pro to current firmware using the android app. I inquired via the website contact form and was advised to use iOS. I can use a coworker's phone, but was curious if I could just use the manual update option with a file downloaded from firmware/current online.
If so, would I use the hex or the bin version? Or perhaps these files are only for use with the SDK, not the app?
My current version is 1.0.4.
Thanks for any suggestions.
If so, would I use the hex or the bin version? Or perhaps these files are only for use with the SDK, not the app?
My current version is 1.0.4.
Thanks for any suggestions.
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Thought: does the app need root privileges?
Ltr329 is an ambient light sensor. Where did you see it described as a color sensor? The PDF spec sheet and the store page both describe it as a light sensor.
The tcs34725 color detector is on the Env board:
Re. the firmware, I'm all set. While I don't really get it and found it a bit frustrating, it's done so I'm a happy camper.
The reference to the LTR329 is right on your C series page.
I now see that the spec sheet matrix limits this feature to the Env board, but it is on the C page, which also features this line:
> The MetaWear C series comes in 2 flavors, the MetaWear C, and the MetaWear CPRO.
It didn't occur to me that features would be listed for non-C/CPro families on the C/CPro page that says there are two versions, the C and CPro (not Env or R). Then again, there's mention of the R on the C/CPro page, so maybe I should have known better?
While we're discussing features, should the BMP280 temperature be available in the MetaWear app? I don't see anything on the screen when logging is on and I've selected that as the temperature source. The C/CPro page describes it as a "barometer and temperature sensor," but I see the spec sheet only refers to it as a barometer.