What are the limitations on streaming sensor data? I am currently trying to pull Acc and Gyro data at about 50Hz and then I would like to pull 4 GPIO pins at 20Hz but I am experience issues with GPIO data coming in at the expected rate.
Eric, what is your best recommendation for recording large amounts of data, say 30 minutes' worth, over multiple devices? I know onboard flash on RPro can hold only 2 minutes of accelerometry at 50 Hz, +/-2g. I haven't found much in the iOS API in the way of writing over GPIO.
Is this hardware design intended to record data primarily over BLE streaming?
Record at lower frequencies or pick up a MetaMotion board, which comes with 2MB external flash memory. If your mobile device is close enough to the board and can handle a 100Hz Bluetooth LE data stream, you can try streaming the data live.