Xcode 8 and the sample iOS app (ObjC)

Hi guys,

A bit of intro: I am a iOS noob, so having the sample iOS obj-C app was fantastic for me to build a prototype and process the gyro and accelerometer data from the metawear Rg. 

But I recently (foolishly) updated from xcode 7 to 8 and now everything stopped working. 

Xcode 8 is making me convert to Swift else the build fails. One of the errors is coming from the pod EVreflection. 

So my questions are:

1. Is EVreflection critical for the sample app? 

2. Should I just switch back to Xcode 7? Or what is the best option going forward?

Hope my questions make sense.

Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated.



  • Short answer, I just finished updating the sample apps for Xcode 8.  Please try them out now and let me know if any problems still exist.  It's always a good idea to thoroughly clean after a big update:
    Clean -  Command+Shift+K.
    Clean Build Folder -  Command+Option+Shift+K.

    Longer answer, EVreflection was a dependency of the DFU (firmware update) library we use from Nordic, and it has been removed with the latest version of their library.  However, there were still a few gotchas enabling some other Swift dependences it uses, but all necessary fixes are committed directly into the repository!

  • Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for the updates! I will give it a go and let you know.

    At some point, I also realised that I had provisioning profile and code signing errors. That's probably just a Xcode 8 issue. Anyway, I decided to just start a project from scratch and follow the tutorial you guys made. 

    That then led to another problem in using MBLMetawearManager. There's a method that is deprecated -"retrieveSavedMetaWearsWithHandler". It's replaced by "retrieveSavedMetaWearsAsync", but not quite sure how to implement it in code. On the other hand, I noticed that you don't use this method in the sample-iOS app. Why is that the case?

    Thanks for your time!


  • Julian,

    Yeah Xcode 8 changed code signing in a big way, but I've had no problems to date using there "Automatically manage signing" and choosing my Team name.

    If you check out the master branch of the Objective-C Starter Project it has been updated to use the non-deprecated version:


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